The group is composed of engineering students from mechanical, electrical, computer and robotics engineering programs at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Team 2020-2021

From left to right :
Second row : William Bruneau, Nataël Laroche-Latulippe, Daniel Blanchette, Jérémy Goulet, Mathis Gagnon, Guillaume Giroux, Charles Lévesque-Matte
First row : Henri Beauregard, Nicolas Gariépy, Florence Millette, Caroline Pelletier, Jeanne Moorhead, Antoine Marion, Pascal-Emmanuel Lachance
Team 2019-2020
Developpers: Cédric Godin, Alexandre Guilbault, Justin Breton, Valérie Gauthier, Samuel Quenneville, Thierry Leclerc, Alex Morin, Caroline Pelletier, Cheikh-Kébé Dia, Jeanne Moorhead, Mathis Gagnon, Vincent Paradis, Charles Lévesque-Matte, Olivier Raymond, Matthieu Daoust, Olivier Demers, Justin Brûlotte, Thomas Labbé, Frédéric La Madeleine, Nicolas Gariépy, Sophie Barbe, William Bruneau, Mathieu Labbé, Guillaume Giroux
Mentors: Lucas Celloti
Team 2018-2019

From left to right :
Second row : Justin Breton, Samuel Quenneville, Cheikh Kebe Dia, Mathis Perez, Thierry Leclerc, Guillaume Giroux, Justin Brûlotte.
First row : Caroline Pelletier, Jeanne Moorhead, Mathis Gagnon, Alex Morin, Vincent Paradis.
Team 2017-2018

From left to right :
Second row : Marc-Antoine Lalonde, Samuel Quenneville, Cheikh Kebe Dia, Mathis Perez, Alexandre Guilbault, Gabriel Bouchard, Vincent Paradis.
First row : Alex Morin, Cédric Godin, Patrick Dufour, Justin Breton, Charles-Frédérick Gauthier, Thierry Leclerc.
Team 2016-2017
Team 2015-2016
From left to right :
Second row : Mathieu Gervais, Benoît Tremblay, William Chabot-Labbé, Azfar Badaroudine, Julien Huot, Yann Lemay-Sévigny, Marc-Antoine Lalonde, Cédric Godin, Alexandre Guilbault, Olivier Dion, Corinne Cournoyer, Raphaël Léandre, Philippe Gosselin-Bouchard et Vincent Blanchard.
First row : Marc-Antoine Laberge, Alexis Larivée, Cheick Ismael Maiga et Charles-Alexis Carrier.
Team 2014-2015
From left to right :
Second row : Mathieu Gervais, Françis Champagne-Fawer, Cheick Ismael Maiga, Eric Dermers, Alexis Larivée, Joey Dionne, Éric Lamoureux, Raphaël Proulx, Yann Lemay-Sévigny, Maxime Lemire, Patrick Roy, Antoine Cantin, Gabriel Perron, Jonathan Dupuis and Raphaël Léandre.
First row : Frédéric Berthelot and Charles-Alexis Carrier.
Team 2013-2014
From left to right : Jonathan Dupuis, Kevin Bélanger, Gabriel Perron, Étienne Tétrault, Charles Samson, Julien Huot, Maxime Lemire, Françis Champagne-Fawer, Mathieu Lessard, Vincent R. Turgeon, Jacob Deschamps, Rosalie Lessard, Patrick Gauthier, Yann Lemay-Sévigny, Raphaël Proulx, Antoine Lamothe-Phaneuf and Jean-Philippe Parent.
Missing on the picture: Éric Lamoureux, Hugues Pellerin and Eric Demers.
Team 2012-2013
From left to right :
Third row : Jacob Deschamps, Éric Demers, Mathieu Houde-Lessard, Gabriel Bélanger, Alexandre Boulay, Olivier St-Onge and Jonathan Bouchard.
Second row : Tomy Pineau, Étienne Tétreault, Julien Huot, Simon Allie, Jasmin Provencher and Marie-Ève Riendeau.
First row : Simon William Kirouac, Vincent R. Turgeon, William Lemaire and Cassandra Bédard.
Team 2011-2012
From left to right:
Second row : William Lemaire, Julien Huot and Antoine Bezeau Tremblay.
First row : Justin Labrie, Sébastien L. Godbout, Jonathan Bouchard and Simon William Kirouac.
Missing on the picture: Éric Demers and Vincent R. Turgeon.
Team 2010-2011
From left to right: David Tremblay, Simon William Kirouac,Jonathan Bouchard, William Lemaire, Éric Demers and Sébastien Léonard-Godbout.
Missing on the picture: Pascal Messier, Jason Roy, Gabriel Fournier, Félix-Antoine Fournier and François Bolduc.
Team 2009-2010
From left to right:
Second row : David Houle, Félix-Antoine Fournier, Nicholas-Gabriel Bouchard-Kinch, Sébastien Léonard-Godbout, François Bolduc-Teasdale, Paul Vanasse and Gabriel Fournier.
First row : Carl-Anthony Beaubien, Sébastien Gingras, Éric Demers, Jonathan Bouchard, Mathieu Laverdure-Leroux and Antoine Bezeau-Tremblay.
Missing on the picture: Simon Jobin, Jason Larocque and David Tremblay.
Team UVS Canada 2009
From left to right:
Third row : Bruno de Silva and Carl-Anthony Beaubien.
Second row : Sébastien Gingras, Simon Jobin, Carol Migneault and François Bolduc-Teasdale.
First row : Rosy Gray Walsh, David Houle, Marc-André Rioux, Éric Demers and Samuel de La Guéronnière.
Team AUVSI 2008
From left to right: Anis Gedeon, Bruno da Silva, Simon Jobin, Carol Migneault, Charles Vidal and Éric Demers.
Team Toulouse 2007
From left to right: Charles Vidal, Simon Jobin and Michael Lévesque.
Team UVS canada 2007
From left to right: Marc-André Lévesque, Marc-olivier Thibault, Jean-François Roy, Nicolas Vincent, Charles Vidal, Michael Lévesque, Simon Jobin and Ian Glenn (President of UVS Canada).
Team Floride 2006
From left to right: Michale Lévesque, Simon Jobin, Nicolas Vincent, Stephane St-André, David Rancourt, Marc-olivier Thibault, Charles Vidal, Emmanuel Côté and Nicolas Calderon.
Team Germany 2005
From left to right: Marc-olivier Thibault, Emmanuel Côté, Marc-André Lévesque, David Rancourt and Charles Vidal.