International Competition AUVSI
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The international competition Seafarer Chapter is organised by AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems Internationnal). It’s the most prestigious competition of small UAV. The competition is held in june each year at St-Inigoes, near Washington. Around 30 team for all around the world participate to this competition.
The competition include a journal paper, a pre-fly briefing, a safety inspection and a flight mission. For the mission, the teams need to take off, fly and land their autonomous systems and follow a pre-determined path. After, they need to search target and send real time imagery to the ground. Finally, the unmanned aerial vehicle must connect to a wifi network and retrives data.
Results at the competition
- In 2019, the team VAMUdeS reached the fifth place for the competition with their hexacopter, Orion.
- In 2018, the team VAMUdeS reached the first place for the competition with their hexacopter, Orion.
- In 2017, the team VAMUdeS reached the first place for the competition with their aircraft, Artémis.
- In 2016, the team VAMUdeS reached the first place for the competition with their aircraft, Artémis.
- In 2012, the team VAMUdeS reached the first place for the competition and get the best fly with their new system, the Valkyrie 5. It’s the first time that a non-american team get the higher place;
- In 2011, VAMUdeS get the third place with their new system, the Valkyrie 3;
- In 2010, the team get the fourth place with their system Mentor.